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The industrial areas in Bangladesh are situated in the midst of densely populated regions and the growth of industries has generally been unplanned without keeping the issue of environmental protection in careful consideration. â€‹



Every day, large amount of the industrial wastewater flow to the Turag River from Gazipur Industrial District. The wastewater sometimes is black, grey, yellow, red, silver or purple, from different chemical factories has different colors

"If... we don't say anything, don't pay any attention, what will future generations do? How will they survive in this type of pollution? When our descendants come to pay their respects, they won't thank us. They will say, what were our forefathers doing? They already knew about this problem and they didn't say anything? What were they thinking?"

— Wei Dongying, Environmental activist, China.

Around the world people are living with the impacts of toxic water pollution. Together we can help change that.

- greenpeace

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